Monday, April 18, 2011

Technology...Great When It Works

And I thought that I wouldn’t have anything exciting to blog about for the second day of the Virtual Conference. Well, I had problems viewing all of the keynote presentation. It turns out that there are some technical problems with the file. (That is why I always have a Plan B.)

It is 10:53 p.m. and I can’t just go to Patrick in the next office and ask for help. This experience is a great reminder of what students must feel like at 10:30 at night when they can not access files or view videos and there is no one to call.

However, I am looking forward to viewing the keynote. Dr. Hilyard has a very “laid-back” conversational style. Her presentation is basic, not lots of bells and whistles, but she talks in a practical way about how technology has changed the higher education landscape and has reduced the socio-economic barriers to higher education. She also talks about how, with the technology available, we can address the learning needs of both the millennial students and the adult learner.

Today, check out Cloud Computing in the Concurrent Sessions. While a presentation on "going to the cloud", this presentation is also a demonstration of Panopto, a lecture capturing system. Some instructors at Virginia Western and at Rappahannock ( maybe other colleges) are using this system to record what actually happens in the classroom lecture and offer it to their students for further review or if they missed the class. As you will see in this presentation, the lecture capture system does capture all of the instructor’s comments and whatever is projected. While this is a lengthy presentation, you can actually skip to any section that interests you and can replay any section.

Enjoy the day!


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