Good plan to populate the Reynolds Virtual Conference in Blackboard 9--from the students' view. The look is professional and visually coherent, don't you agree? About two weeks ago, to experiment how one of my BB 8 spaces would look all dressed up as 9, I requested development space on the Explore server (where we are now) so that I could export a Blackboard 8 course. My BB8 was too dressed up for this svelte BB9: m'thinks my frills will be pared down to a minimalist style: no graffiti artists’ pics, no HipHop images from back in the day. Will I be comfortable in this glossy brand? Some might kvetch "too top down," but--hmmm-- I might be willin' to give up last decade's style for the up 'n comin' ?
Will BB9's new wardrobe keep us clothed with the invention, imagination, and spontaneity that generate those unexpected teachable moments-- those moments of student-centered learning?
My musings lead me to thoughts of Tuesday's (March 23) presentations: Eric Hibbison, I notice, is providing a provocative conference theme that hints of some resistance to the publisher-centered mode of instructional delivery.
Your trusty, 24/7, hard-boiled, super sleuth will be listening in on Eric's interactive discussion. Please join him.
Bev, I am enjoying your observations! Trying to build the Virtual Conference in Bb9 has been a major learning experience for me. Although one goes through the training, you never know what you don’t know until you try to use it. Most of the things that we liked in Bb8 are still there, just dressed a little differently. For example, there is no modify button: In Bb9 you edit, not modify. The encouraging truth is that the more you use Bb9 the easier it will seem.